Domain Name and Web Hosting: What’s the Difference Anyway?

The difference between hosting and the domain is clear and web-hosting companies provide both the services to customers. It is a good decision to buy a domain name and web hosting from the same web hosting company.

Domain vs Hosting

Domain Name

Domain name refers to the address that is typed in the browser’s address bar. A domain name gives a unique identity to your website. In simple terms,Guest Posting a domain name is a common name given to your website. Like your house has a unique identification of street and house number. A domain name gives identity to a website.

A domain name makes it easier to reach a website and get hold of it. If there was no domain, you would have to type individual charters to reach a website. Practically that is impossible. So, a domain name makes things easier for you. A website works with the kind of domain name you give. Also, a domain name is unique and can be registered only once for a website.

Web Hosting

A web hosting is a place where you’ll be able to store your website and all its data. A website hosting is like a house that’ll store things for you. Web hosting companies rent out space to host your website and all the data files.

Web hosting companies take care of the needs of a website include updating, maintenance, and security. A web hosting company handles every task related to the site. A web hosting gives you the right kind of exposure required in the webspace. It helps to increase brand awareness and creates a site image.

The relation between Domain Name & Web Hosting

A domain name is different from web hosting. But, the fact is both the services work in co-relation with each other. The domain name and web hosting work together to form a website. A domain name system is like an address book that is constantly updated with different names. With every new domain name, there is an address of a particular web hosting service, which helps to store the files and database of a website.

If there is no domain name, people won’t be able to locate or find your website. Similarly, without web hosting it is not possible to build a website. Most web-hosting providers provide a feature of domain name registration that users can choose.

As the competition is heating up in domain name registration, most web-hosting providers are also offering free domain name registration with every plan on offer. So customers will get a free domain name with web hosting services for their website.

The confusion in names

Do you know most people believe that domain name and web hosting are the same? It’s because both the services are offered by the web hosting company. The web hosting company individually offers domain registration service and web hosting service both.

Traditional domain name registrars that offered domain registration services only have updated to web hosting. Both works in co-relation, both the services are provided by web hosting providers. Both services are different but work together to make a website a success. A website can’t work if the domain name is not registered by the web hosting company.

Website Hosting and Domain Names – Should you buy from the same company?

This depends on the customer’s choice. Nowadays, there are many web hosting companies that provide free domain registration or name with web hosting. So, if you choose a particular plan from the web hosting company, you’ll get the benefit of free domain registration. When you buy a plan for a website, you’ll be able to choose a domain name for that website.

This not only saves on your time but also the effort of finding another web host for domain registration. You don’t have to manually change the DNS setting of your domain name. It is easy to renew your plan and manage your account from the same dashboard if you buy from the same company.

You can also buy a domain name and web hosting from two different companies if you like. You’ll need to point your domain name to the DNS setting of the company. This would require editing the DNS setting as well.

Domain Name Transfer

Most hosting providers also provide the feature of domain name transfer. If you wish to move your domain name to another web host, you can do that with simple steps to follow. Suppose you buy a domain name from one company and web hosting from another, but it is getting difficult to manage them individually.

You’ll need to request the web hosting company for domain name transfer. With following some simple steps, you’ll be able to transfer your domain name to your web hosting company. The task becomes easier if you manage both with one company.

Shifting of Web Hosting

With website hosting and domain names, you have complete flexibility. If you want to shift your website to the company you have registered your domain on, you can do that as well. You’ll need to transfer all your files and data from your website to your new web hosting provider. You also need to edit your domain name, edit settings and point it towards new web hosting providers.

If you buy a domain name from and you want to move your site to a self-hosted WordPress website. You’ll have to sign up for a WordPress hosting account and move your site from to You’ll need to edit your domain name settings on and point it towards your new WordPress hosting provider.

The website’s need,

The difference between hosting and the domain is clear and web-hosting companies provide both the services to customers. It is a good decision to buy a domain name and web hosting from the same web hosting company.

That’ll save your time and money. Most web hosting companies provide free domain registration with web hosting plans you purchase. You can also get the benefit of free domain name registration with basic web hosting plans. If you want to host a new website, you can purchase a domain name and hosting plan to save your money. Choose a service according to your website’s needs.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from ArticlesFa

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Features to look for in a web hosting package

Things to look for in a website hosting company and package. An expanation of the technical features you might need when buying a website.

Web Hosting Providers & Packages

What To Look For When Researching A Web Host & Web Hosting Package

In order for people to view (download) your website content on the internet you need a Web Hosting Provider,Guest Posting also known as a Hosting Company, to host (store and display or store and run) each website file that makes up your website content. A website file can typically be a HTML file, CSS file, PHP file, JavaScript file, Image file, Audio/Video file and so on.

Even though one HTML file for example is known as a web page, as can be one PHP file, collectively a group of website files (i.e. one HTML file, one CSS file and one Image file) are also known as a web page…..usually by the general public.

What Is A Website?

Behind the scenes a website is just a folder, on the web hosting provider’s computer (server), that is named after your domain name (i.e. Within that domain name folder (also known as your Web Space root folder) will be a sub-folder called public_html. It is the content of that public_html sub-folder that the general public will view via their web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer), with your permission of course.

This is because even though your domain name points to (connects to) your Web Space root folder, the folder that was named after your domain name (i.e., a web browser and more specifically a website address can only point to (view the content of) the public_html sub-folder… normal circumstances. In other words, typing your domain name into internet explorer will point you to the content (i.e. main web page) that is inside the public_html sub-folder. You will not see the content of the Web Space root folder.

Which Web Hosting Provider?

You will know which web hosting provider to use when you have looked at the prices of their Web Hosting Packages and the features that come with it (i.e. PHP Scripting and MySQL Database). A web hosting provider has two main jobs to do.

The first job is to maintain your Web Space (main folder), which has specific web hosting system files inside it as well as your public_html sub-folder, so that your public_html website content is viewable for everyone to see on the internet 24/7…..with your permission of course. This job also involves them looking after their own computers (servers) and making sure your website content is safe and secure.

The second job is to maintain your Control Panel (set of Tools) that comes with the web hosting package, so that you can create MySQL Databases, E-Mail Accounts and so on (depending on the features of the web hosting package).

Shop Around – Avoid FREE & Cheap ‘N’ Nasty

When looking for a Web Hosting Provider to host (display) your website on the internet, and more importantly when looking at the features inside their Web Hosting Packages, it pays to shop around. The old saying “If it’s too good to be true it probably is” should be in the front of your mind.

Dismiss the sales talk about features such as “Unlimited Bandwidth”, “Unlimited Web Space”, “1002s of FREE Templates” and “Website Builder” because these tend to be gimmicks – A company does not give for free unless they are taking from somewhere else and/or someone else. For example. “FREE Templates” that everyone else is using (so your website is not unique/bespoke to you). “A Website Builder” that supposedly does everything for you (so you get a useless/limited Control Panel).

Many “FREE Website Hosting” packages do not allow you to create a MySQL Database or use PHP Scripting for example. Other packages host (display) your website content for “FREE” with the condition that your web pages contain their selected advertisements. Some limit the features of the Control Panel, Bandwidth and so on. These tend to be hosting companies that advertise “FREE Website Builder” and “FREE Templates”.

In other words. They give you software that builds and publishes your website, catered for the Absolute Beginner, without you realising you should be getting a better control panel for example. There are plenty of free, and very affordable, templates and tools on the internet that can also build you a website in minutes. So do not pay for something like a Website Builder for the sake of a limited control panel.

Affordable – With Basic Features

A good Web Hosting Package should be affordable but definitely not “FREE”, and definitely not “Cheap ‘N’ Nasty”. Above all else it should contain YOUR basic requirements. So consider spending £5 to £10 a month on a standard web hosting package. This should get you the Basics. Ask yourself the following questions:

Do I need 10, 20, 40 or 80+ Email Addresses?.

Am I going to need a Forum (Questions & Answers Board), Blog (Diary Articles), Guest Book and/or Media (Audio/Video) Gallery?…..that may need a MySQL Database and/or PHP Script. One thing to remember here is that these features can take time to create and may need ongoing management time too.

How much Website Space do I need?…..for my Web Pages (HTML Files – Text, Pictures, Audio and Video), Forum, Blog, Guest Book and so on.

How many Website Visitors am I expecting each month? The more visitors you get the more Bandwidth (Download Units) you will need.

Below I have explained the major features inside a standard Web Hosting Package, in order for you to answer the above questions and to give you a better idea of what features you should be looking to use. At the bottom of each description I have noted the standard you should be looking for when paying £5 to £10 a month. These are based on Quality web hosting providers (see Quality below).

The Control Panel

Although all web hosting packages have a web based Control Panel of some sort it is the control panel that is overlooked. A good control panel is the key to a good web hosting package and more importantly to an easier life in terms of managing your website. The more tools in a control panel the better.

A part from the features entitled Bandwidth, Web Space and Quality (below) all the other features mentioned below should be accessable through a control panel. The control panel itself is installed, and updated, by your web hosting provider. Many use the popular CPanel ( control panel.

Bandwidth (Monthly Data Transfer)

Bandwidth (also known as Monthly Data Transfer) is the amount of Data that can be downloaded from your public_html sub-folder, onto a customer’s computer via internet explorer for example, each month. It is measured in GigaBytes – A standard Web Hosting Package should allow you at least 2 GigaBytes of bandwidth per month. Bandwidth can also be contributed to uploading your files to your public_html sub-folder, which means Bandwidth is really your upload and download usage.

What does all this mean? It means if one customer downloads a 4MB Music File, for example, from your public_html sub-folder it will cost you 4MB in bandwidth. So if ten customers download the 4MB Music File, or one customer downloads the 4MB Music File ten times, either way it will cost you 40MB of bandwidth in total. However. It is not that simple because each web page viewed also costs bandwidth.

If you have a Music Product Web Page that consists of 1MB of Introduction Text and 1MB of Music Pictures for example it will cost you 2MB of bandwidth each time that Music Product Web Page is viewed (downloaded into one customer’s web browser, from your web space to their computer). Therefore, each time a customer views (downloads) the 2MB Music Product Web Page and then downloads the 4MB Music File it will cost you 6MB of bandwidth in total. Times that by ten customers and it would cost you 60MB of bandwidth in total.

5,000MB (5GB) of web space divided by 6MB (1 Music Product Web Page and 1 Music File) equals 833 possible customers. It is not that simple though. Why? Because not all 833 possible customers will download 1 Music Product Web Page and 1 Music File, especially if they have to buy the Music File.

Some might view (download) the Music Product Web Page more than once (i.e. read it more another day) while others might download the Music File more than once (download it for their family and friends), especially if it is free to download. So you might end up with customers who view the Music Product Web Page only but do not download the (Buy Now!) Music File and vice versa. Hence why selling something on the internet is not guaranteed – It costs bandwidth and money.

5 – 20 GigaBytes. 30 GigaBytes maximum…..before the package price changes to something even better.

Add-On Domains

An Add-On Domain is a normal domain name (i.e. that points to (connects to) a sub-folder within your main domain name’s public_html (website) folder. That sub-folder is normally named after your add-on domain name (i.e. So if your main domain name is and your add-on domain name is your web hosting provider will create a new sub-folder called inside the public_html folder of and then point/link (redirect) to that new sub-folder called

This means that anyone typing into their web browser will be taken to a sub-folder called within the public_html folder of

The advantages of an add-on domain name are that 1) It has its own folder which means it can be classed as a website within its own right and 2) It saves on buying two web spaces (two pure websites). However. The overall disadvantage of hosting two domain names (a main domain name and an add-on domain name) is that they share the same web space and bandwidth.

This has serious side-effects if you want to have video on one or both websites (domain names) because the web space and bandwidth might be shared unevenly, which means a customer might miss out on a download. For example. A free video download on might take up the bandwidth for a buying customer on

An Add-On Domain should only cost you the normal price of an extra domain name (i.e. £5 a year).

1 – 3 Add-On Domains

Parked Domains

A Parked Domain is a normal domain name (i.e. that points/links (redirects) to your main domain name (i.e. only – It has no web space folder or bandwidth of its own because it shares the same web space and bandwidth allocated to your main domain name.

A parked domain name is typically set up when you want a and a .com for example to go to the same web space. So if you have as your main domain name and as your parked domain name, visitors who type into their web browser will be sent to the same web space that is using and therefore see the same website content (the same web pages, video and so on).

A Parked Domain should only cost you the normal price of an extra domain name (i.e. £5 a year).

1 – 3 Parked Domains

FTP Accounts

Having a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Account means you can use a web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer) or a FTP Program (i.e. FileZilla or AceFTP) to transfer your web pages, and so on, from your computer to your public_html sub-folder (website).

Depending on your web hosting package and its Control Panel you might be able to create additional Anonymous Log-In FTP Accounts or FTP Accounts with UserName & Password so that you can set up a FTP Account for your members for example – This is good if you intend to allow your members to upload content to your FTP Server (the File Transfer part of your web space). Most good web hosting packages offer at least one FTP Account for your own file transfers and those that do not usually offer a File Manager or Website Builder program that emulates a FTP Account.

4 FTP Accounts and upwards is adequate these days.

MySQL Databases

MySQL Databases are databases in their own right. You can set one up via your Control Panel or by using phpMyAdmin (if your Control Panel supports it). For example. You could have a database for your customers, business contacts, blog, forum and so on (if you know what you are doing). MySQL has many levels – Easy-ish Management via phpMyAdmin to Nightmare-ish Complex Programming.

MySQL is also closely associated with the PHP scripting (programming) language. Many Forums, Blogs, Guest Books and Mailing Lists for example use a PHP Script and at least one MySQL Database. Therefore, when choosing a web hosting package you need to consider that a Blog, Forum and Mailing List will require three MySQL Databases. If you are short on databases you can get around this problem by using one MySQL Database to create three separate Tables (Databases technically).

MySQL and PHP are a good team. PHP Scripts normally set up and/or initialize MySQL Databases for you. So do not be put off by MySQL.

10 MySQL Databases and upwards is adequate these days.

Web Space

Web Space is the actual storage space allocated for your entire website – Storage space for your Emails, FTP Storage Space, Forum, Blog, Mailing List, MySQL Databases, Guest Book, Media Gallery, Internal (Web Host) Files, Web Pages (HTML files – Graphics, Text, Music and Video) and so on.

If your website is going to sell an Offline Product, such as Shoes, you should be looking at web space in the region of 50-100 MegaBytes. This should be enough space to store a reasonably sized photo based catalogue on. And for a website selling an Online Product, such as Music, you should be looking at 100-500 MegaBytes of web space depending on the number of music files and their file size combined of course.

50 – 500MB Web Space

POP3 E-Mail Accounts

POP3 is the protocol (format) used to describe Incoming/Receiving E-Mail Accounts that can be incorporated into an E-Mail Client (program) such as Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Mozilla Thunderbird. In other words. You can read your website e-mails from within those programs using the POP3 protocol.

The number listed next to a POP3 Accounts description will be the maximum number of E-Mail Addresses (E-Mail Accounts) you can set up for your website. IMAP is another protocol.

The minimum number of POP3 E-Mail Accounts needed in todays climate should be at least four – sales@…, info@…, contact@… and support@… Not to mention any e-mail addresses you need for employees, family members and so on.

20 POP3 E-Mail Accounts and upwards is adequate these days.

Mailing Lists

A Mailing List allows you to create a list of e-mail addresses for your members, clients and so on. Once created you can then compose an e-mail and send it out to all those in the mailing list, in one go if your web hosting provider and ISP (Internet Service Provider) allows it. So if you needed to send out a “Special Offers” e-mail to 40 e-mail addresses for example it would be wise to create a mailing list for those 40 e-mail addresses first.

So why not just use an e-mail client such as Windows Live Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird to do the job for example? Well you could in theory but mailing list software is much more dedicated to your mailing list needs.

Due to people/companies spamming/junk mailing people these days some web hosting providers and/or ISPs do not allow a certain amount of e-mails to be sent in one go. So check with them first what their e-mail limits are because both might have different limits. Sending 40 e-mails should not be a problem though, especially if you use Authentication with your e-mail address. In other words, they should allow 40 e-mails to be sent because they know it is you.

1 – 4 Mailing Lists should be adequate for a standard business/website.

Shopping Cart

Having a proper Shopping Cart on your website allows you to accept/receive Debit/Credit Card information via email/website notification. By proper I mean it may have been installed/built using your Control Panel but has later had its PHP Script(s) programmed/tweaked by a programmer to blend in more with your website and/or your language. In other words. With a proper shopping cart (such as Agora) you are in control of the coding and credit card side of things but they require programming knowledge.

The opposite of a proper shopping cart is to build your own shopping cart web pages, in HTML/CSS code for example, and then attach a Payment Merchant’s buttons to them – BUY NOW, VIEW CART and so on. A Payment Merchant is a company, such as PayPal), that gives you the facility to carry out Online Bank Transactions (i.e. Withdrawals and Deposits) and create HTML buttons that, once clicked on, take care of the purchase/payment for you. So in some respects the proper shopping cart is not always the best approach.

A good Control Panel will have a Library Of Scripts inside it that allows you to install PHP Scripts/Programs such as a Guest Book, Forum, Blog, Shopping Cart and so on. Alternatively. You may be able to find a particular, updated, PHP Script/Program on the internet and install it yourself.

1 – 3 Shopping Carts

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